Biografi ra kartini
Biografi ra kartini

Ngasirah herself is not a noble descendant, but only ordinary people. Some even say that her father's line came from the Majapahit kingdom. Historically, Kartini was a descendant of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono VI. Ngasirah, she is the daughter of a kiai or religious teacer in Telukawur, Jepara City.

biografi ra kartini

Sosroningrat is a respected person because of his position at that time as regent of Jepara

biografi ra kartini

Sosroningrat, son of Prince Ario Tjondronegoro IV, a nobeman who served as regent of Jepara. The title itself (Raden Ajeng) was used by Kartini before she married, if she was maried, the nobility used was R.A (Raden Ayu) according to Javanese tradition. Regarding RA Kartini's history and Kartini's life story, she was born in the midst of a noble family so she obtained the title R.A (Raden Ajeng) in front of her name.

biografi ra kartini

Kartini's full name is Raden Ajeng Kartini Djojo Adhiningrat. R.A Kartini was brn on Apin the City of Jepara.

Biografi ra kartini